Testis, torsion of

Twisting of the spermatic cord that causes severe pain and swelling of the testis. The pain develops rapidly and is sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain and nausea. The testis becomes swollen and very tender, and the skin of the scrotum becomes discoloured. Unless the torsion is treated within a few hours, permanent damage to the testis results. The condition is most common around puberty. It is more likely to occur if the testis is unusually mobile within the scrotum. Diagnosis is by physical examination. Surgery is performed to untwist the testis and anchor it in the scrotum with small stitches to prevent recurrence. If irreversible damage has occurred, orchidectomy is performed. In either case, the other testis is anchored to the scrotum to prevent torsion on that side. With prompt treatment, recovery of the testis is complete.


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