Uterus, cancer of

A malignant growth in the tissues of the uterus. Cancer of the uterus mainly affects the cervix (see cervix, cancer of) and endometrium. In rare cases, the uterine muscle is affected by a type of cancer called a leiomyosarcoma. The term uterine cancer usually refers to cancer of the endometrium. Risk factors for endometrial cancer include anything that may raise oestrogen levels in the body, such as obesity, a history of failure to ovulate, or taking oestrogen hormones long term if these are not balanced with progestogen drugs. It is also more common in women who have had few or no children. Before the menopause, the first symptom of cancer of the uterus may be menorrhagia or bleeding between periods or after sexual intercourse; after the menopause, it is usually a bloodstained vaginal discharge. Diagnosis is made by hysteroscopy or biopsy. Very early endometrial cancer is usually treated by hysterectomy and removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. If the cancer has spread, radiotherapy and anticancer drug treatment may also be used.


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