
Softening, weakening, and demineralization of bones in adults due to vitamin D deficiency. Osteomalacia is rare in developed countries; it most commonly affects housebound, elderly, and dark-skinned people who live in countries that have less sunlight than their country of origin. Healthy bone production requires calcium and phosphorus, which cannot be absorbed from the diet without sufficient vitamin D (found in certain foods and manufactured by the skin in sunlight). Causes of osteomalacia include a diet low in vitamin D; malabsorption in conditions such as coeliac disease or following intestinal surgery; or insufficient exposure to sunlight. Osteomalacia causes bone pain, muscle weakness, and, if the blood level of calcium is very low, tetany. Weakened bones are vulnerable to distortion and fractures. Treatment is with a diet rich in vitamin D and regular supplements. Calcium supplements may be given if osteomalacia is due to malabsorption.


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