Leukaemia, acute

A type of leukaemia in which excessive numbers of immature white blood cells called blasts are produced in the bone marrow. If untreated, acute leukaemia can be fatal within a few weeks or months. The abnormal cells may be of 2 types: lymphoblasts (immature lymphocytes) in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and myeloblasts (immature forms of other types of white cell) in acute myeloblastic leukaemia. Exposure to certain chemicals (such as benzene and some anticancer drugs) or high levels of radiation may be a cause in some cases. Inherited factors may also play a part; there is increased incidence in people with certain genetic disorders (such as Fanconi’s anaemia) and chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down’s syndrome). People with blood disorders such as chronic myeloid leukaemia (see leukaemia, chronic myeloid) and primary polycythaemia are at increased risk, as their bone marrow is already abnormal. The symptoms and signs of acute leukaemia include bleeding gums, easy bruising, headache, bone pain, enlarged lymph nodes, and symptoms of anaemia, such as tiredness, pallor, and breathlessness on exertion. There may also be repeated chest or throat infections. The diagnosis is based on a bone marrow biopsy. Treatment includes transfusions of blood and platelets, the use of anticancer drugs, and possibly radiotherapy. A bone marrow transplant may also be required. The outlook depends on the type of leukaemia and the age of the patient. Chemotherapy has increased success rates and 6 in 10 children with the disease can now be cured, although treatment is less likely to be completely successful in adults.


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