Colour vision

The ability to see different parts of the colour spectrum. Light perceived by the human eye consists of electromagnetic radiation (energy waves) with a spectrum of different wavelengths between about 400 and 700 nanometres. Different wavelengths produce sensations of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red when they fall on the retina and stimulate nerve signals, which are processed in the brain. As light falls on the retina, it strikes light-sensitive cells called rods and cones. The rods can detect all visible light, but only the cones can distinguish colour. There are 3 types of cones: red-sensitive, blue-sensitive, and green-sensitive. Each responds more strongly to a particular part of the light spectrum. Because the cones are most concentrated in a central area of the retina called the fovea, colour vision is most accurate for objects viewed directly and is poor at the edges of vision. When light hits a cone, it causes the cone to emit an electrical signal, which passes to the brain via the optic nerve. Colour perception requires a minimum level of light, below which everything is seen as shades of grey. (See also colour vision deficiency; eye; perception; vision.)


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